Tradition Julen
A family that loves and lives tradition. Cows that graze at the foot of the Matterhorn. Sheep so cute you have to love them. Guests that come back year after year. That is Tradition Julen.

The Julen Family
Family Julen stands for tradition and for their passion about being great hosts. Find out more about this touching and impressive family history.

Biogas Plant
Sustainability is very close to their hearts and having their own biogas plant makes it possible for the Julen family to be true to their principals while being kind to nature.

Black Nose Sheep
Paul Julens black nose sheep are something very special. The shepherd knows that and everyone who sees them knows it too.

The Cows
Paul Julen is a passionate shepherd – but he is a shepherd with cows. Find out how that came about...

Pictures for your home
On the website of our photographer Adrian Bretscher you will find breathtaking pictures of Zermatt - the same pictures that adorn the walls of our exclusive Julen Hotels. Bring the beauty and magic of this unique mountain world into your home.